Beckman Scholarship Program at The U's College of Science
The University of Utah is honored to be one of this year's Beckman Scholars Program
Awardees. The Beckman Scholars program, funded by the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation,
supports basic research in chemistry and the life sciences for undergraduate students
at twelve insitutions. The University of Utah was selected after a panel of scientific
experts conducted a two-part review of all applications.
The Beckman Scholars Program at the University of Utah
The Beckman Scholars Program at the University of Utah is a 15-month mentored research experience for six undergraduate students studying in the biological sciences, cheimstry or biophysics. Each selected student scholar will receive research funding and a stipend to work closely with one of fifteen faculty mentors. The University of Utah Beckman Scholars will stay and help as mentors themselves in their final summer of the program. In addition, Beckman Scholars will also have the opportunity to attend Beckman Foundation conferences where they will share their research and meet talented peers within the science community.
A Community of Research Excellence
Applications for the Beckman Scholars Program award are by invitation only, and institutions must demonstrate that the quality of their faculty and research can support the caliber of undergraduate research sought for in Beckman Scholars. The University of Utah joins eleven other universitites as an awardee including Carnegie Mellon University, Miami University, Tufts University, and University of California, Irvine.
An information session led by faculty mentors, Dr. Ming Hammond and Dr. Andrew G. Roberts, will be held on March 4th, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. in CSC #21.
For more information you can visit The Beckman Scholars Program at The University of Utah.