» Cutting-edge, interdisciplinary research » Innovative teaching » Student-centered environment
Research Excellence
Bioanalytical | Surface Science | Nanomaterials and nanoscale processes | Bioelectrocatalysis | Interfacial Chemistry | Spectroscopy | Mass spectrometry | Electrochemistry
Chemical Biology | Epigenetics and DNA Mutation | Biosensors and Diagnostics | Drug Design | Biophysics and Structural Biology | Biofuel Cells | Biomaterials and Drug Delivery | Interfacial and Bioanalytical Chemistry (IBAC) |Enzymology
Inclusivity and Social Belonging | Student Cognition/Metacognition | Collaborative Learning Approaches | Faculty Development
Materials | Bio-Inorganic | Organometallics | Organocatalysis
Surface Chemistry | Photonics | Magnetic Materials | Fuel cells | Polymers | Nanoparticles | Computational | Porous Materials
Natural Products | Synthetic Methodology | Organic Materials | Asymmetric Catalysis | Organometallic | Medicinal Chemistry
Spectroscopy | Chemical Physics | Theoretical Chemistry | Biophysical

Feb 07
10:45am - 12pmDipa Kalyani, Principal Scientist with Merck
Thatcher Chemistry Building (TBBC)
Feb 07
3pm - 4pmCurie Club Panel with Dr. Dipa Kalyani - "Women in Science"
Thatcher Chemistry Building (TBBC)
Feb 10
3:15pm - 4:30pmScience Solidarity Socials - What's the Scoop
Crocker Science Center (CSC)
Feb 11
9:10am - 10:25amPhil Bevilacqua, Penn State
Thatcher Chemistry Building (TBBC)
Feb 11
10:45am - 12pmJoseph C. Furgal, Bowling Green State
Thatcher Chemistry Building (TBBC)
Feb 13
10:45am - 12pmEric Nacsa, Penn State University
Thatcher Chemistry Building (TBBC)
Chemistry Main office hours
In Person: M - F | 8am to Noon
Ph: (801) 581-6681 M - F | 8am to 5pm
For Undergraduate Students
Undergraduate General Award & Scholarship Opportunity
Chemistry students:
Now is the time to submit your application for any one of our Chemistry Awards and
We have a variety, and we’ve made it easy for you to apply.
Simply click the link above and submit your application.
Submission of your information enters you for each Scholarship or Award you are eligible for.
Deadline for applications is Feb. 15th
ACS Bridge Travel and Career/Professional Development Award
The award is open to undergraduate students interested in the chemical sciences and are from groups traditionally underrepresented in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. Namely, underrepresented minorities include African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Native Americans. The goal of this professional development award is to increase the number of URM students that gain access to doctoral programs in the chemical sciences. The professional development award will defray the cost of any online workshops, courses, virtual conferences, and/or events that will assist URM students gain access to doctoral programs in the chemical sciences. Each award will be for up to $1000 of eligible expenses based on the review of materials.