Chemists on King's Peak
On July 19, 1997, a group of backpackers from our department set out to climb King's Peak, the highest mountain in Utah (13,528 feet above mean sea level). The group included Jack Simons (unofficial leader of the gang of 10), Peg Simons, Peter Beal, Tom Richmond, Sheila David, Chuck Grissom, Cindy Squire, Greg Voth, Chuck Wight and Jennifer Wight. The group hiked from the Henry's Fork trail head near Fort Bridger, WY to the Henry's Fork basin, where they established a base camp.
(l. to r.) Chuck W., Jennifer, Greg, Sheila, Peter, Cindy, Jack, Tom, Chuck G. (photo
by Peg).
Early the next morning, the group set off for King's Peak, which was nearly 9 miles from base camp. Time was short, because afternoon thunderstorms typically move through this area starting around 1:00 pm, so the group wanted to reach the top and start down by about noon. Two days earlier, a group of four hikers had been struck by lightning while decending from the summit. One of them was killed and two others injured.
From base camp, the group climbed out of Henry's Fork basin through Gunsight Pass, around the back side to Anderson Pass, and finally ascended the ridge to King's Peak.
(l. to r.) Wight, Richmond and Beal on top (photo by Voth).
Reassembled near the base of Gunsight Pass, the group takes a brief rest before heading back to base camp for dinner (photo by Jack).